Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Do you ever wonder?

The Kiss

Thinking about that  moment that you remember was special is different to a new couple, divorcée or widow.

Kissing for instance.  With your true love, it is deep and passionate.  You are drowning in each other's passion.
To your past detached love, it's a memory despised because it brings up hurt.

To a love who can not return that kiss, it's a yearning and a dreamy memory.

The only common thing is
the day you were as one.
Why did these things turn your world upside down?

Once done it will never return.  There must be a
plan.  Stay forever, leave for another or mourn.

Each day you are responsible for your own happiness and for that of whom you profess your love.

Cathy Windham

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Why We Care

The difference between
Home town and military brat

Always Starting Over

Taking risks between present/past

Keeping up

Bucking up


Get over it

Fitting in


Saying goodbye

Being accepted

Do I belong

Hoarding momentous

Do you remember me

War vs Peace

Purpose vs dreams

Stereotype behaviors

Why is it important to be
Proud, be honest, have integrity

Shirt off your back for a fellow brat

Perfectionism vs praise of
Individuality - control issues of a military parent

Trust vs harboring secrets

Burying emotions

Watching from a distance

Making decisions not to
"rock the boat"

Applying everything to who I am professionally

Realizing you fit in that
round hole

Smiles look the same on all faces

Kisses linger longer when they might be the last

Promises of reuniting in the future

Getting older together and not worried about it

There you are in my world again

I missed you so.....

Cathy Windham

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Am I sleeping or awake?

It is who I am

The day starts easily enough after a seemingly
sleepless night.  It's gone on like this for awhile.

Silently I cringe a little as I slip into bed on my side.  The other side does not get turned down or slept upon.

I do some things differently.  Play some background sounds to lull my mind away from my thoughts.

I time the night in increments of how long I dozed off.  I try not to care what time it is.

My dreams are like previews of a movie I don't want to star in.

The plot is obscure and makes no sense.  I'm shocked not to find clipped edited film on my bedroom floor as I get up.

When the sun comes up
I start the day over.  I'm
older and wiser and
chronically tired.

It is who I am for now.

Cathy Windham