Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Cloud Of Images

I was just thinking of days gone by. It’s easy to do that on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 
I realize that I have lived in this town 37 years. That’s a long time for a former military brat and military wife who was used to relocating every few years.

Our girls are privileged to have spent the majority of their lives here. They have raised their families here and have roots I never had. 

I look around at my small home and some things I have kept because they are so precious that take me back in time. Photos are my favorite. Styles of the time of hair and clothes, cars and furniture stamp the date on the memory. I can almost hear your voice saying “cheese!”
I have thousands of photos. 
Often I wonder why I have so many. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be kicked off the CLOUD for having too many stored there! The images are locked into space floating through the heavens. Maybe some images can be seen by you. 
Do you see me here? Do you visit with me as I think about  you and days gone by? I can only hope that is true. 

When we lose someone in our lives it’s a hard thing to accept. Their physical presence was such an important part of our daily lives. However, until they are removed physically from us do we realize just how important those photos and memories of days gone by mean. 
Love deeply and strive to be happy. 
Enjoy time and become someone’s favorite memory. 