Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Bottom Middle Child

After one and two plus three came me, the bottom middle child.  I sometimes wonder if I was that glimmer in daddy's eye or an oops moment.  4/5th's is an odd fraction.
Either way, I'm here representing me in my birth order.

Much has been written and studied about a first born child.  Where do I stack up?  I would hope those who study these sort of things could say "she can hold her own."

She is observant.  She studies a situation and bases her decision after a lot of consideration.
She is strong.  She sees pain and buffers it's impact.
She is smart.  She works hard to tackle the unknown and apply it appropriately.
She is sensitive.  A word can crumble her world.
She is loving.  She's all in.
She is fair.  Weighing all circumstances before making judgement.
She is compassionate.  She will do anything for someone in need.
She is a friend, mom, neighbor, aunt, grandmother and sister.
She is me.

Cathy Windham

Monday, August 25, 2014



I have always been a pretty conservative person.  I don't know when I first realized this about myself though.
I was raised in a very conservative household.  Both parents were victims of the depression years.  We did not waste anything.  Toothpaste tubes were squeezed so flat you could use them as aluminum foil.
Jars and cans were rinsed and had
 multipurpose.  Paper grocery bags lined our trash cans and covered our school books.  Twist ties from bread, rubber bands around the newspaper and straight pins from store bought shirts better not be thrown away!
How many uses can you make of a blown out bike inner tube?  Do you know how to make gorilla glue?  I think they stole my dad's basement invention.  We were high on glue fumes and not even trying as it circulated through the a/c ducts!
God bless my dad.  He had a basement to be envied by hoarders.
Need a bolt?  He had it.  Fix a wringer washer, yep, no problem.
Make an old tv or refrigerator last 20 years, he was the man.
I forgot to mention the best find of all, a strand of clorox bottles strung together by old panty hose?
What in God's holy name was that for?
So, in today's age of throw away,
I often think of my dad and wonder as I take the trash out, if he is shaking his head and muttering "that's a perfectly good jar!"
Yes, it is as I decided to spontaneously multipurpose it!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Faith In The Unknown

Light at the end of the tunnel
Silver lining behind every cloud
Rainbow at the end of the storm
Amen at the end of our prayer
Kiss at the end of the day
Dream in the middle of the night
You thinking of me
Me hoping you care
Stars in celestial patterns
Moon illuminating love

Cathy Windham

Thursday, August 14, 2014

By Moonlight

I did not get to grow old with you
ending on a winters day
You promised me a long time ago
you would always stay

I'm reminded as I watch the stars tonight
They're shrouded in the moonlight
The brightest one peeps through the
I remember us that night

You are gone and I am here
our love forever dear
Waves lap against the sandy shore
Your voice I'll never hear

Cathy Windham

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Life By Candelight

That moment when you're lonely.
When time isn't moving
Your mind races ahead ahead of you.
Suspended in your space.
Wondering why things go
into slow motion while you look at the time lapse
blur  together.
Traffic lights at night in the rain make that vision.
A Monet at the museum does it, too.
An artists brush smears
a stroke on canvas and the colors collide.
Night at home alone made softer by candle light.

Cathy Windham