Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Going Cold Turkey

Find some measure of happiness in every aspect of your life. It may not be perfect, but it is your life and happiness ultimately is yours to find. Each day, look for a little peace, find a reason to smile, realize you have more than someone else, and thank those in your life who make the ride worth taking.

I just read the above statement written on another blog called One Fit Widow.  Michelle is explaining her second Thanksgiving without her husband.  I can relate.  This is my second one without mine.

Many things have changed in the way I am able to cope with this loss.  I find that my future would have changed whether or not he had died.  The difference is it is all my future.  Thoughts that came to life once I allowed myself to experience my solitary existance.  I don't feel guilt for thinking only to please myself.  It is a foreign thing to do after many years of marriage and having another person to care for and who helped take care of me.  It had to be learned the hard way.  "Cold Turkey!"

Which reminds me, I did not save my Thanksgiving left overs.
I sent them all home with my daughter to feed her ravenous family!  It actually felt relaxing today going through the ritual of cooking the traditional meal while watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  I made my coffee and put the dishes together with the ease of Paula Deen.  I didn't scrimp on the ingredients.  Butter makes everything taste better!  

We had a sudden change in our customary outing to gather with other families at the home of my daughter's inlaws.  It was a jolt in the family chain that broke a link.
Everyones plans were altered and will be different forever.

  1. So, this year it is different because someone else has died.

It affects me in an indirect way but it is a significant event for my daughters inlaw family.  They are a close loving group with many of them living here near each other.
My heart grieves for their loss.

There will be ways to help them. Ways that I have experienced that I wish I did not need to share.

This will all take time and hopefully by this time next year, we will all be further along on our road to recovery.


Sunday, November 23, 2014


As I turned you appeared out of the corner of my eye.
Strong and lean; no shirt on.
Muscles on arms pronounced.

You shook your hair and water droplets flew through the air in a swirl and then you smoothed your hair back with one sweep away from your dark eyes.

You looked straight at me.
I smiled and walked into your embrace.

When I opened my eyes you were gone.
Vanished in the mist of my dream
and swept away in my tears.


Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Nest

In my bed at home
Is where my mind will roam
Late into the night
Sometimes till morning light

Upon this bed my dreams come true
Lying here next to you
Our hearts will beat as one
Our nights spleandor will be won

Our children wrestle for position
Between us in their possession
Wild hair and twisted sheets
Our love is theirs complete

Lie here next to me
The future we will see
Walking hand in hand
Dreaming of our promised land

My eyes will softly close
Your love I only know
Warm hand held in mine
Together for all time
