Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Friday, October 28, 2016


Mom went out the door!
Curious cat as I am, I wanted to know where she went. I pushed on the kitchen door and it opened to my delight! She doesn't see that I'm out so I'll have to act quickly! I love this garage, man. There are so many things to check out. I've caught a few lizards in here. I've brought them inside and left them in the bedroom for mom to find. She must like them because she looks at me and says "thanks!" I crawl under the car. It feels warm under there so I sort of like that and lay down a minute looking out from underneath. She went next door a minute. She had a bag in her hand but now she doesn't have it any more.
I smelled something good in there earlier but she would not let me have any. Mom said it was a surprise for her neighbor. Hey, I kind of like it out here in the dark. I ran out into the yard and then faster to the next yard. I don't think she wants me out here and is calling my name. Gotta go!
I try hiding behind the rocker on the front porch. She sees me. The pumpkin is lit and gives me away. I give up and let her catch me. 
I get to sit on the soft chair next to her now. She looks at me and says I should not go out. "But, mom!"
Guess I'm grounded now. Think I'll take a cat nap.
Kiwi Windham