Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


The only true gift in life is love.
You can give it away and find yourself blessed with more than you gave away. 
Amazingly your heart can hold an immeasurable amount of love, too!
So, spend it freely and spread it far and wide. It's the one thing that is contagious that you will feel great being expose to.
Get caught up in it's fever.
Feel drenched and exhausted from
It's fire.
Sunrises and sunsets are the color of love as it throws it's warm hues as far as you can see.
It's the deepest blue of the ocean and the whitest of sand under toes.
Love is the top of the mountain with breathtaking vistas in all directions.
It's the softness of the cheek being kissed. 
A finger holds a gold band of love.
You hold a newborn's head.
Keep love alive in your life and you
will feel at the epicenter of your world that revolves with a purpose.