Smiles held in the heart

Smiles held in the heart
Smiles held in the heart

Monday, September 29, 2014


Looking through cut crystal is the way I see all the precious moments in my life.

Facets reflect love, hope and faith into a pattern that spills a rainbow on the surface of my memory.

When clouds subdue the sun and the day turns to night, the flame of candle light softens the spectrum.

I close my eyes and dream in a kaleidoscope of reflected happiness.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Writing A Song

I wish I knew how to write a song
About you and me riding along
Arm over shoulder
Sitting close
Your lips on mine
Eyes closed

Just being with you on a cold rainy day
Nothing was noticed as time ticked away
Arm over shoulder
Sitting close
Your lips on mine
Eyes closed

Over the threshold you carry me
Upon the bed you sleep with me
Arm over shoulder
Holding me close
Your lips on mine
Eyes closed

I lay next to you
Life slipping away
Arm over shoulder
Holding you close
My lips on yours
Eyes closed

Cathy Windham

Friday, September 5, 2014

Accepting Insecurity

Feeling insecure in a new place is hard.  Kids often are faced with this without much help.  Growing up in a household that forced one to move, change homes, leave friends and make new ones was an expectation.  Is it possible to honestly recall the first time feeling insecure?

In class a uniform was worn.  That probably helped in many ways.  But outside the classroom and back in the neighborhood it was more noticeable.  You stood out by attending a different school.  You had a different religion and church.  You had different guidelines and rules to adhere to.  You started to compare yourself to those you knew.
You wished for things or lifestyles
that you admired.  You were too young to know but to you it mattered what others thought.

Young teen years.  They do matter.
Awkward, growing, changing almost overnight.  Glasses, braces, clearasil, physical shape, breath, clothes, sports and abilities can make or break a young ones insecurities.

Do you like me?  Do you admit your feelings?  Do you step outside your comfort zone?  Do you take a risk?
A first kiss, what does it mean?
At that moment you can forget your insecurity and live with the hope that your future holds so much more.

Cathy Windham